The Reinier Hendriksen Trophy
When Reinier Hendriksen passed away in April 2000, friends on both sides of the North Sea decided to create a modeller's trophy that would ensure his name lived on.
In the Netherlands, Wim Bloemendaal, a close friend of Reinier's, came up with the idea to have a heavy glass plate engraved with a drawing of Moors End, once made by Reinier himself. He had this done by a well-known engraver in Amsterdam.
In England, Chris O'Donoghue and other friends of the Racoons Group and the Greenwich & District Narrow Gauge Model Railway Society paved the way for the trophy to be awarded at the Expo Narrow Gauge exhibition every year.
Since October 2000 the trophy has been awarded to the creator of the narrow gauge layout which the jury considers being built in the spirit of Reinier's own work: compact, atmospheric and well modelled.